I like to write out my goals every year in a small special book. Every 4 months or so, I try to get back to it, review my goals and see where I am. I try to write down the things that I have accomplished during that time and acknowledge that I'm doing well or be easy with myself if times are tough.
I did this a time or two on the blog, and I'm trying again this year. It's been a big year for a lot of things, both good and bad. And because I am complicated, everything always feels complicated. And I have many interests, so there you go. There's my blog title.
I read a lot of blogs and I'm still working out what exactly I am doing here. This blog is not about one thing, and that may be weird. Most bloggers tend to stick to one subject. The categories that I tend to read the most in Google Reader are Art, bike, fashion (includes a lot of sewing blogs) or blogs that are local to San Francisco. And my blog tends to incorporate all those things. I guess it's cool. I like what I do, I have no idea whether people are interested in it, but I like to write and share so I think I'm going to keep doing this.
I have a list of accomplishments from 2011 in the relationship, art, bike and OMG now sewing categories!
• Moved into a fabulous new apartment with Handsome Bill
• Acquired a road/distance bike: the Box Dog Bike Pelican, (which has what I considered at the time 'grown up' (drop) handlebars)
• On the before-mentioned bike I: completed the Western Wheelers Sequoia Century in June (20 miles), the Marin Century 100K (60 miles) in August, and about half (40 miles) of the SF Randonneurs' Populaire in October. Unfortunately this ride came during a crazy busy time at work and I was exhausted so I'm proud of myself for giving it a good effort. My artwork ended up on the poster, thanks to Ely .

• I conquered Mt St. Page, and never looked back at the Wiggle

• Started the bike camping mods on the Rivendell
• Painted some Timbuk2 bags for Winterfest
• Produced 20, that's right twenty, Dr Sketchy's Anti-Art School events including Comic Book Babes, Cute Girls (this time with dudes) on Bicycles, Summer in the City, and Girl-Girl Boy-Boy Tango
• Filled lots of sketchbooks

• Published a book with Johnny Crash
• I made my first Fall palette challenge, inspired by Colette Patterns:

• Then I made this, this and this. It is great to see the inspiration and the results.
• Went to France, Viva Las Vegas, South Carolina to see my folks' new home, Los Angeles, and Japan
• Decided my varied interests weren't represented well enough with my old website, and decided to start writing on this blog again. Eventually pointed my domain name here!
I have a few goals for 2012:
• Ride 100 miles in one day
• Finish the Rivendell bike camping mods so that I can go bike camping!
• Complete more SF Randonneurs' rides, including both Populaires
• Commit to weekly rides, perhaps with these ladies
• Encourage more folks at my office to fill up our bike racks (ride to work)
• Perhaps start a casual bike learning/workshop/weekly ride at my office
• I'm curious about fixed and single speed bicycles
• Sew. Make dresses, pants, shirts
• Reorg my studio to better accommodate sewing and fabric storage
• Create events based on long standing ideas at Dr Sketchy's. So. many. ideas!!
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