I think it was the right amount of 'doing' and 'reflecting' and 'puttering', as Bill says. I guess I didn't really have to make any major compromises, and I got to spend a lot of time by myself Saturday to reset things, do homework and be creative.
Some of my favorite time is spend at home listening to music, while artmaking or sewing. Sometimes there is dancing. I do wish that I had more of this.
We saw a documentary on Johnny Cash a couple of weeks ago. One of the memorable topics was the series of albums that he recorded before he died. There was a lot of time spent on the song 'Hurt', a cover of Trent Reznor's song. Of course I had to go get this album. Two big favorites on the album are of course 'Hurt' and 'Streets of Laredo'. Again songs that reflect on death have been resonating with me.
My uncle passed away this week. This was my father's brother, he has been in full time care for a while and also had dementia. So there's that.
I spent Saturday drafting an 8 section skirt called a gore. The skirt has pleats between every section and I chose to make knife pleats, sort of reminded me of plaid skirts that I had in high school. Of course I wore them with thigh high stockings and mary janes, that was the uniform of the time. The skirt was actually too big, I am shrinking and my body is changing due to all the bike riding.
Sunday was spend with the AIDS/LifeCycle Cat 2 training series hosted by the Positive Pedlers. My teammates (Team Unpopular) and I were up and at the Sports Basement at the crack of dawn's ass.

The ride went out to Fairfax, then to Nicassio, around the reservoir and back around through Samuel P Taylor to Lagunitas. Then home. 70 miles is about what I'm doing every Sunday. We'll increase the mileage and frequency as it gets into April/May.
It was a beautiful day. I felt strong on most of the ride. I followed a fellow affectionately referred to as 'Uncle Larry' up White's Hill and just took my time, this stretch gets easier every time!
I struggle with the rollers out on the Nicassio road, I run out of steam on the uphills and it always takes me a little while to get into the rhythm of them. This is to note and to practice.

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