First at Dr Sketchy's, we are about to have one of my favorite events of the year: Cute Girls on Bicycles:

Constance and Zoë modeled last year, they recreated some vintage imagery that made me so happy. This year we are revisiting the original inspiration: the album cover art for Queen's Bicycle Race and Fat Bottom Girls.
They will be wearing 70s inspired outfits and I'm hoping we can find a 10speed of that era, with exposed white brake cables. We'll see.
This is a fundraiser for AIDS/LifeCycle and we will have baked goods for sale to raise money.
Edit, we'll also have a bag from Nooworks, some water bottles from Box Dog Bikes and some handmade sketchbooks from John Hull. All available for raffle.
Further edit, Meli Burgueño has donated a poster!
This brings me to the 2nd topic: AIDS/LifeCycle. In one month 3000 other likeminded folks and I will be embarking on a 7 day, 545 mile ride from San Francisco to Los Angeles. I want to do this because I want to break past the mental hurdle of what I currently think is possible on my bike. I also want to give back to my vibrant San Francisco community. The AIDS Foundation keeps people alive, prevents future infections and helps eliminate the stigma still surrounding HIV and AIDS. It matters. It feels really awesome to be a part of this amazing community.
Here's my team profile pic, it's freakin hilarious:

Speaking of ALC, our training last week took us up Mt. Tam to the 7 Sisters (or bitches as some call them). The climb up to Alpine Dam and the top of the ridge was fine because it was covered, but once we got up on the ridge, it was exposed and hot and I ran out of water. That's the first time I've ever been nauseous on the bike. Thanks to the Training Ride Leader who had V8, it saved me from tossing my cookies all over the bitches. It's a good thing these ladies are pretty, because they are a little bit brutal.

I can barely contain my excitement about number 3. I will FINALLY have something interesting (at least it feels interesting to me) to show for Apparel Arts!! To me it feels like my process photos all look the same, paper patterns, muslins. All this translates to white, beige, boring??
Anyhoo, I have two more skirt projects to finish before I can move on to the 2 fashion fabric skirts. I have had my inspiration for months, I don't want to reveal anything because I don't want to set any expectations. I also have to go to the fabric store and I *hope* that is successful.

The above is a photo of the 2nd to the last skirt project: a contoured waistband skirt with free hanging lining. Then I draft a straight waistband/with a secured lining.
That's THREE AWESOME complicated interests. My goal book will be thrilled. I am excited.
Also not be missed. Polk Street changes. Please sign this petition to show support for making it a beautiful pedestrian/bikey thoroughfare: This is what I want San Francisco to be!!
Babycakes and I had a super time at Al's Attire getting some custom things made by a local artisan. Very excited about my custom shoes! Look at the mess we made, there is fabric and wine and cheese littering that table top... It was a good time.

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