This past weekend I had a wonderful experience with the Positive Pedalers. We rode up the coast to the Russian River on Saturday, then headed to Petaluma and back to Mill Valley on Sunday. This was my last big training ride before the show starts on June 2nd. Since we camped out Saturday, this was a great test run for the actual ride. Who knew that so many things have to happen before one can get on the road at 6am? Packing up the tent. Sunscreen. Pump up the tires. Eek.
Bill is going to witness my process over the next ten days with packing and trying not to buy new things. Send him love. :) I am in full-on planning mind.
Thank you thank you thank you to all. I could not do this without all of the support. Whether it has been financial support, words of encouragement, listening, reading, riding with me, all of it was very helpful. HUGE thank you and air kisses.
If donating was something you intended to do, now is the time. I don't know if I will be able to write more before we leave.
My Team is trying to raise $150,000. If 30 of you donated $10 right now, we would be a big step closer.
You can donate here!
Instagram will probably get the most updates on the ride. As the week goes on, it will likely get very silly.
Insty: AliceStribling
Love: Y O U

Good luck Alice! I'll be following along and thinking of you.
Thank you!!
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