I do feel like it's important to share my accomplishments from the year and what I hope to accomplish in 2013, if only to have a mile marker for myself sometime down the line. I also keep a journal that is just about goal making and acknowledgement of the goals. I think it is important.
Dr Sketchy's in 2012:
This year we moved to new venues: Chicken John's warehouse and for a time we were also at YBCA. It was an interesting experience. We loved being at 111 Minna, but I felt really strongly about having set dates each month and that was impossible to do at 111 Minna. Even the regular monthly events are on different days each month. I am a planner, and this wasn't working for me, so we took the risk and tried some new venues.
Both spaces are awesome in uniquely different ways. The warehouse is comfy and feels like drawing in our own private living room. It is a very San Francisco art space with a lot of history. In the 90s, a lot of artists shared inexpensive warehouse space for housing, this space is keeping that idea alive. I really like being there. The lighting is good, there are good sight lines to the stage and we have all the tables and chairs we need. We have made some wonderful art in this space.
YBCA was really great to us, but it was challenging to keep up with the costs. In fact, having rental costs is challenging in general. I guess if we had more sponsors, we could probably make a profit but right now Dr Sketchy's is definitely a labor of love. I organize it because 1) it keeps me drawing 2) I love the community and believe that community is important 3) I get to arrange exactly what I want to draw!
A highlight of the year was our annual Cute Girls on Bicycles event. Constance and Zoë recreated some vintage erotica type photos, but in reverse gender roles. I feel humbled that my life experience is such that I ask people to make things happen, and then I get to draw it.
Bicycles in 2012:
Ah where do I being to talk about the obsession that I have with bicycles?
I had some big dreams this year. I wanted to ride 100 miles in one day. I have come close: about 70 max and have learned a lot of things.
The main thing I learned is that if you have big goals, you have to commit to the time it takes to achieve them.
Training and practice have been a struggle for me. Like everyone, my schedule fluctuates. Work has very distinctly busy seasons, during which I work long hours and sometimes weekends. All other plans and energy get redirected and depleted. I also have other interests, that vie for my cycling time.
I'm trying to be ok with going at my own pace and not beat myself up about not achieving goals. There's always next year...
The laundry list of cycling accomplishments:
• SF Randonneurs' Populaire in March
• Two bike camping trips. One with the ladies of leisure.
• I rode a bike on the Canal du Midi in the South of France.
• I have enjoyed riding with friends during weeknights, and now I'm going out about every other weekend for 40-90 miles.
• I learned to ride fixed gear (thanks to Ely for the great Craigslist find!) and rode Camino Alto with Vélocia for my longest fixed ride, 40 miles.
A few goals that I have for for 2013 are 1) AIDS/LifeCycle. 7 days, SF ---> LA, 585 miles. 2) SFR 200k 3) more Bike camping! (just acquired my gear). I look forward to lots of miles with lots of great people.
Family in 2012:
My father has dementia. My family has been struggling with this for a while. It feels at times very personal and like it's not right to share it publicly, but I also don't want to be in the closet about it. He means a lot to me, and it is not awesome. I'm showing up the best way that I can.
Art & Design:
A funny little thing has happened. My interests in art and bicycles have co-mingled in that I designed posters for SFR and SCR this year, and I love it. I already absolutely love to do trades and I love community and the bike community seems to like what I do, so this feels awesome.
I went to France this summer with Diane Olivier and co. We spent two weeks in Roujan, at a new space with some great people. I feel like I accomplished my art goals in the workshop. We had a great book on composition at the house, and I focused on that. I also had a goal to simplify the landscape.
My work reflected that. I just sold this pastel to Annie & Earl, they are a fantastic couple who have been at every one of Diane's workshops. This is all that Earl wanted for Christmas, yay!
Earl in France:
At Dr Sketchy's, I had a love affair with toned paper & watercolor:
I have a renewed interest in fashion and making my own clothes. It stems from a lot of things. I find it hard to find clothes that fit well, I don't like disposable fashion for a lot of reasons, a lot of bike clothing does not fit my personal style (it's also very expensive), and I can't find what I want. So I started making my own. I look forward to starting a course next month which will teach me to draft patterns from measurements, rather than altering commercial patterns.
The future:
In 2013, I want to continue to take photos and make art and designs based on the things that I see while out on my bike. I'm sharing Dr Sketchy's responsibilities with folks who are invested in the community.
In January, I start a pattern making course at Apparel Arts. I'm curious to see where this takes me.
I have committed to raising money and training for AIDS/LifeCycle and I'm excited about that. It will help me achieve some personal goals and it is an amazing community, there are a lot of wonderful people involved with ALC.
Thank you to everyone who already donated. If you want to support my efforts, you can donate here: http://www.tofighthiv.org/goto/AliceStribling
I hope to keep gaining personal acceptance through Dharma Punx and meditation. I always strive for authenticity and being alright with where I am and what I'm doing. This helps. That's it. xoxo.
Sorry about your dad. thanks for sharing. you sound like you have accomplished more in one year than most do in a life time!
Thanks dk :)
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